Friday, May 7, 2010

Recap W 12

Winging it again. Notes make this easier for sure, but F-it. I'll make some observations instead.

What a season right? For the past few years there was a learning curve with what to do with the Hidden Immunity Idol. Tell people, don't tell people. Some went home with it, others dabbled with splitting votes to flush it out, people have chiselled immunity stick monsters, made others play fake ones out of sheer assholishness, made exact replicas (that was nuts), but nobody quite realized the power it could have both with it itself, giving it up, and simply making people think you could maybe possibly have it, like they have repeatedly this season.

Russell for sure is the king of Idols, no question, but the shit Parvati and Rupert have now pulled, frigging Genius! A truly wild card element to an already crazy game. It's like calling non face cards wild in a friendly game of Poker. You're gonna get some big hands once you learn how to play.

Anyway, Bye Bye Amanada. You tall drink of kook-aide you. Dumb as all hell, yet one of the best players to play this crazy game. Just goes to show you while "Outwit" is one of the 3 major "OUTS", the other two are more important. Amanada, call me.

How shitty must camp life have been on the Heroes side for Candace to flip? I mean there's no way she could have bought Russell's Immunity Idol final 3 speech is there? I could see it out of total desperation, I get it, but to have Sandra begging you to vote for a Villain, any one Candace wanted, to swing the tide of the game in her favour, and still not vote with your original alliance, means your first 25 days were unproductive on a friend making aspect. Then again, I'm not sure I would invite Colby, Rupert over for drinks any time soon either. Colby seems like a total Debby Downer, Waaaaaah Waaah Waah. Anyway Candace is an idiot, she was easily the most questionable Hero in the first place, not simply due to recognition, but she was the original back turning FLIPPER when she took Jeff up on his Mutiny offer 6-7 seasons ago proving she has a history of flipping tribes. I now think there wasn't a HUGE lineup of returning contestants to come back, because Candace wasn't much of a player, nor much of a Hero. Anyway she got her comeuppance because Rupert faked a rock in his pants, and Colby and Rupert had the final laugh, even if short lived. I was really hoping they were gonna give her the sarcastic standing ovation slow clap though. Ahhh, com'mon that would have been satisfying. Anyway, for my benefit here's a whole bunch of celebrities giving Canadace the slow clap she so deserves Slow Clap

Lets see what else is going on. Jerri and Colby? How are they still around. Jerri has made the final 6 and I still think Tom has a better chance of winning this year. And Colby, how the hell could he step down for a couple of donuts? That was easily the most pathetic move I've maybe ever seen. I still had hope for him, but to quit immunity that easily, even if you don't think you can win...

HD Armpit hair is gross, even on hot chicks.

I'm not convinced yet he's the best player to play this game, but I do think Russell understands the game better than anyone in the sense that people like to plan for the end, to think about things 10 steps down the road, take today for granted, and he takes advantage of that. Because in 20 seasons of survivor, one thing is constant. The game is ever changing. It's a waste of time to think 10 steps down the road if you'll never EVER see step 4. The 'she said to vote you, no she said to vote you' plan he put forth between Danielle and Parv was classic. Not sure he would have pulled that off without the immunity necklace, but great none the less. Danielle also goes home, but she went kicking and screaming and crying and with a whole "Lifes Not fair" attitude that made his dirty move ever more classic. Parvati was wise to his plan and played it very well, but there was nothing she could do. And with that, Russell is back in charge, Parv has no choice but to stick with only him now, and the whole Parv has 2 idols you don't thing, Russell got even.

Sandra has the umpteenth hidden immunity idol. With nobody suspecting her of having it, and her not really even a threat right now for either side, amazingly I think she's gonna find herself doing the memory lane walk during the final 4 finale episode.

Rupert, I like Rupert more now than I did in either of the first two seasons. He does remind me of a Good Russell. The guy has it all together for sure regarding this game, maybe a little too loyal. He's really quite articulate for a crazzy drunk hobo looking guy. Makes some great observations and comments this year. All on a broken toe. He's scrappy if nothing else.

Jeff Probst is getting a lot more camplife cutting room floor info than before I think this season. "So welcome back to tribal council. Danielle, how was camp life today? Russell try and pin you against Parvati or anything else interesting like that happen?... Com'mon. Although it makes for great tribal councils.

Anyway that's my ramblings. Sandra found the idol. Colby And Rupert... still hanging around. Candice and Danielle went home. (The leader in the pool probably shouldn't have added Candice and Danielle this week, just say'n). Everything else is up to date. It's sad we're nearing the end, this season was too good to be true and I think next year, has it's work cut out. Although I get the feeling 16 of the 20 will take the Russell alpha approach, so that should be at mimimum entertaining.

On to next week, where they show Russell and Rupert uniting. Best Hero & Best Villain unite! Colby the geeky sidekick. Wonder how that's gonna work out....

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