Monday, April 12, 2010

Episode 7 Recap: WAY LATE, Whatever

Survivor Week 7 Recap: Drop your.... expectations.

A great line delivered by Probst this week, but also a message from me to you regarding my recap. I’m on Recap this week, but I didn’t really feel like doing it so I didn’t. And now, trying to remember what it was all about 4 days later is tougher than I thought, so wish me luck. If you didn’t watch it... well, I don’t think you actually missed too much. Other than some of this seasons ‘lesser’ characters actually came to play Courtney, Sandra, Danielle & Candice really took charge this week with strategy and put their stamp on the game.

Last week Rob went home. Coach and Jerri are idiots, but it took until this week until they finally realized it for themselves. The Villains are in total disarray and only the merge can help. Blinded by this observation, they somehow read “Merge” in the tree mail, for the reward challenge and totally packed up their camp, tarp and all, and lugged it across the Island. Dumbasses. This is when Jeff realizing how dumb these people are played a little trick on them, and delivered in classic Jeff fashion the heartbreaking news, “Drop your... (Courney, Sandra, JT all yell with excitement) expectations” Wuh Wuuuh Waaaaaah. The Heroes also come to the realization that Tyson then Rob going home means the Villains have an all girl alliance, oh dear, why do I think this works out for Russell EVEN BETTER.

Anyway, it’s Survivor Bowling. And what better way to celebrate a Bowling win with Pop and Pizza. Really? Is it me or is every reward challenge like a 3rd graders Birthday Party. Bowling, Pizza and Pop? Obstacle course & chocolate? Swimming and Picnic... Really? Stay tuned for next weeks pin the tail on the donkey competition with the winner getting cake and ice cream!

To sum up, Coach really wants to win the Pizza party, and nominates Courtney and Sandra to sit this out, fielding their “A” squad for the Pizza party rather than the immunity challenge. Oh Coach...

Amanda lays down her best Roy Munson impression, and leads the Heroes to yet another win. They’re rolling, villains are reeling. And now the Villains have to rebuild their entire camp.Ha.

Stuff happens, can’t really remember what, but really, it can’t be that good.

Off to the immunity Challenge where it’s a muddy obstacle course, best 2 out of 3 and 1 of the 3 for the Villains involves Courtney. Nuff said. She’s more useless than:

a) Tit’s on a nun

b) 1 Legged Man at an ass kicking contest

c) A Screen door on a submarine

d) Inflatable dart board

e) All of the above

E! The Villains lose. Looks like Coaches “B” Squad couldn’t get the job done.

Oh I remember what happened above now, JT found the immunity idol by himself but got busted with his hand in the cookie jar, so had to tell the whole Heroes tribe he has it, and that he’s going to give it to Russell. Seems about right.

Another quiz! The logical choice to go home at Tribal:

a) Courtney

b) Courtney

c) Courtney

d) Courtney

e) All of the above.

But we’ve all watched Survivor before, that’s not gonna happen. Sandra realizing she could use Courntney going forward comes up with the brilliant plan of telling King Russell Coach wants him gone, thus Russell focuses on Coach, ignoring Courntney's ineptitude at this game, ignoring Danielle’s logical thought processes, and Coach goes home (well, to the giant trailers they have set up for all the castaways that make the Jury anyway).

This will REALLY sell the all girl alliance that doesn't exist, and in the preview for next week, all the dumb ass moves of the past are shown, some classics, with the threat they could be topped. And if the Heroes give the immunity necklace to Russell, I will be in total shock. WOW. I expect merge next week. But maybe I too will be played a fool.

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